
How to Make Lips Soft And Pink Naturally at Home

By Sarah Jane Dermatologist | Facebook Twitter Twitter Youtube Youtube Have you ever noticed how dry, lifeless, and black your lips get day by day?  You don’t need to look any farther! We’ll look at simple, affordable, and efficient ways to have beautifully pink, soft lips without using harsh chemicals or costly treatments in this article.  These tricks can help you get the juicy, glossy lips you’ve always wanted, whether you’re fighting off bad weather or just want a natural glow. Let’s explore how to make lips soft and pink naturally from the comfort of your own home. What Can Cause Lips To Darken? Lip darkening, sometimes called lip hyperpigmentation. As people’s skin tones change, so does their lip color. Lip color can become darker as the amount of melanin increases. Melanin gives skin its color, and the same is true for lips. Lips can become dark for several factors: Sun exposure: The sun’s ultraviolet rays allow the growth of melanin, which darkens the lips. It is advised that you apply lip balm with an SPF of 30 or higher on a consistent basis.  Dehydration: Lips that are dry and cracked can seem darker.  Maintaining hydration throughout the day is important. Smoking: Cigarette ash and nicotine irritate and discolor lips, causing them to darken. The most effective plan to take is to quit smoking. Melanin and pregnancy: Certain parts of the body, such as the areola and nipples, produce more melanin during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. For the excess melanin lip can be darker. Vitamin deficiency: Vitamin deficiency might result in darker lips. Vitamin B-12 deficiencies can cause changes in skin tone, including black patches on the lips. Home remedies can assist people with naturally dark lips temporarily make them more pink, but treatments for hyperpigmentation may be the most helpful for persons with this skin problem. How To Make Lips Soft And Pink Naturally? You can get soft and pink lips naturally at home by following a consistent skincare routine, use of homemade remedies, and using healthy habits. I am giving you 10 ways to make your lips soft and pink  suggested by the dermatologist.  Drink Plenty of Water Proper hydration is very important for maintaining soft and pink lips. Dehydration can cause dryness and cracking, it makes your lips appear dull and lifeless. Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day to keep your body hydrated and your lips moisturized. This is your first work.  Light Skin Exfoliation Lip darkening may be decreased with light skin exfoliation. Dead skin cells can build up on the lips and give them a dull, darker, and unevenly toned appearance. Exfoliation helps remove these cells. The skin underneath can become brighter and healthier by removing these cells. Also exfoliating gently can encourage cell division and the growth of new skin cells. Honey and Aloe Vera Mix one tablespoon of aloe vera gel and honey. Apply the mixture to your lips for 15-20 minutes to provide hydration along with potential brightening benefits. Rinse with water. It can be used twice a week. Rose Petals Soak the petals in milk for a few hours. Then crush them into a paste. Apply the paste to your lips for around 15 minutes before washing them. Rose petals contain natural oils that moisten the lips, leaving them smooth and pink. Natural Oils You can use natural oils like coconut oil, almond oil, or olive oil to moisturize your lips. These oils are rich in nourishing properties that help hydrate and soften the lips, giving them a natural pink look. You can use all these oils at night before bedtime. Careful do not mix all the oil together, Use any 1 oil. Among them you can use any oil that you have at home. Cream of Milk Apply fresh milk cream to your lips and let it sit there for 10 to 15 minutes, then wash it. Lactic acid, which is found in milk cream, has the ability to exfoliate dead skin cells, revealing softer, pinker lips. Beetroot Beetroot’s core color can create a temporary rose color. Cut or juice a beetroot, apply it to lips for a few minutes, and wash it. Before continuing, apply a patch test on your inner arm to find out sensitivity. Pack of Yogurt and Honey Honey hydrates and plain yogurt’s lactic acid helps exfoliate dead skin. Combine one tablespoon yogurt and one teaspoon honey, let it sit for 15-20 minutes, and then wash it off. Seeds of Pomegranates Crush pomegranate seeds to make a paste. Put this paste on your lips, then let it sit for 10-15 minutes before washing it off. Antioxidants and vitamins included in pomegranates can help strengthen and enhance the natural color of lips. Avoid Licking Your Lips Licking your lips may give short relief from dryness, but it can worsen the condition in the long run. Saliva includes acids that can break down the delicate skin of your lips, causing further dryness and discomfort. Conclusion Getting  soft  and pink lips at home is absolutely possible with the appropriate skincare routine, natural cures, and healthy behaviors. Staying hydrated, exfoliating frequently, moisturizing with lip balm or natural oils, protecting your lips from the sun, and eating a balanced diet will help you retain smooth, supple lips with a natural pink color. Incorporating these routines into your daily routine will result in a considerable improvement in the appearance and texture of your lips over time. Hi there! I’m Sarah Jane, your skin care tips provider and a Dermatologist. My goal is to empower you with expertise so you can confidently choose which beauty products are worth buying. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Instagram Youtube FAQ Frequently Asked Questions If you have any questions related to beauty, you can hit the comment box! We will do our best to assist you through our experts. We’re here to help you. How can I lighten my lips naturally? There are 3 natural approaches to lighten lips: Exfoliate carefully. Moisturize

how to make lips soft and pink naturally

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Black Girl Sunscreen Lip Gloss Details & Usages

Black Girl Sunscreen’s Make It Pop Lip Sun Gloss is a popular option for people looking for a lip gloss with SPF protection. This lotion protects the lips from the harmful effects of UV radiation while moisturising and plumping them with hyaluronic acid and tripeptides. It has a broad spectrum SPF of 50, which protects lips from damaging UVA and UVB radiation. The gloss contains hyaluronic acid and tripeptides to moisturise and plump the lips, and it is scent, paraben, and oxybenzone-free. It is available in a travel size of 0.13 FL OZ (4 mL). Instagram Twitter Pinterest Black Girl Sunscreen Make It Pop Lip Gloss Black Girl Sunscreen’s Make It Pop Lip Sun Gloss is a popular option for people looking for a lip gloss with SPF protection. It has a broad spectrum SPF of 50, which protects lips from damaging UVA and UVB radiation. The gloss contains hyaluronic acid and tripeptides to moisturise and plump the lips  and it is scent, paraben  and oxybenzone-free. Features SPF 50 protection: This shields your lips from the sun’s damaging rays, which can result in sunburn, premature ageing, and skin cancer. Hydrating and plumping formulation: The gloss contains hyaluronic acid and tripeptides, which help to keep lips moist and plump. Free of scent, parabens and oxybenzone: It has no fragrance, parabens, or oxybenzone, making it an ideal solution for individuals with sensitive skin. Vegan and cruelty-free: The gloss was not tested on animals and has no animal-derived components. Here are some other things to remember about Black Girl: Some consumers find the gloss sticky. If you want a non-sticky lip gloss, this may not be the greatest option for you. The gloss is presently available in only a few colours. Overall Black Girl Sunscreen Make It Pop Lip Gloss is a great option for those looking for a lip gloss with SPF protection. However, it is important to realise that it may not be suitable for everyone  as some people find it sticky, and the colour choices are limited. Black Girl Sunscreen Lip Gloss Target Target has Black Girl Sunscreen’s Make It Pop Lip Gloss. They sell it both in shops and online. Here’s how you can locate it. In-store Go to the cosmetics area of your local Target store. Look for the Black Girl Sunscreen area, which may be found with other sunscreens or lip care items. The Make It Pop Lip Gloss should be easily accessible there. Online Enter “Black Girl Sunscreen Make It Pop Lip Gloss” into the search box. You can  add the product to your basket and purchase it online for home delivery or in-store pickup. Price: Prices may vary somewhat based on location and promotions, but they normally range between $9 and $10.99. Availability: While typically accessible, it’s always a good idea to check inventory online or call your local shop before heading out. Black Girl Sunscreen Lip Gloss Ulta Ulta Beauty sells Black Girl Sunscreen’s Make It Pop Lip Sun Gloss, which is a popular option for individuals looking for a lip gloss with SPF protection. It has a broad spectrum SPF of 50, which protects lips from damaging UVA and UVB radiation. The gloss contains hyaluronic acid and tripeptides to moisturise and plump the lips, and it is scent, paraben, and oxybenzone-free. Pros Broad Spectrum SPF 50. Protects lips from dangerous UVA and UVB radiation, preventing sunburn, premature ageing, and even skin cancer. Hydrating and plumping. Contains hyaluronic acid and tripeptides to keep lips moisturised while offering a subtle plumping effect. Fragrance-free, paraben-free, and oxybenzone-free. It is  Ideal for sensitive skin. Cruelty-free, vegan. No animal experiments or animal-derived compounds were used. Glossy finish Provides a bit of shine to your lips. Cons Glossy finish adds a limited colour range. Only a few hues are now available, and they may not be suitable for everybody. Stickiness Some customers find the shine to be slightly sticky. A bit of gloss on your lips.

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How to Avoid Cracked Lip Corners

Want to know everything about Cracked Lip corner?Good I will help you to know everything about it. Let’s dive into deep details of it. Cracked lip corners, also known as angular cheilitis. It is small, painful cracks that appear at the corners of your mouth, where your lips meet and form an angle. They are usually red and swollen and may bleed easily. Bleeding makes eating, talking and even laughing uncomfortable. At times there may be itching which may lead to formation of sores. Instagram Twitter Pinterest What Is Angular Cheilitis(Cracked Lip Corners)? Cracked lip angle, a common inflammatory skin condition. It can affect one or both corners of your mouth, causing itchy, cracked sores. Although painful, angular cheilitis is usually not serious. Angular cheilitis is sometimes called angular stomatitis or perleche. Sometimes people mistake angular cheilitis for cold sores which is wrong. Cold sores are a different ailment caused by the herpes virus. Cold sores do not cause angular cheilitis. Who Gets This Disease? While anyone can have angular cheilitis, certain groups have a higher risk than others. Here’s a breakdown of who may be at higher risk: Infants and young children: Due to bowel movements and laxative use, saliva may accumulate in the corners of their mouths. As a result, this sickness can arise. Adults: Dryness and sagging skin around the mouth make them more prone to saliva accumulation and irritation. People with dentures: Poorly fitting dentures can trap saliva and irritate the corners of the mouth. People with weakened immune systems: Diabetes, HIV, and other conditions that compromise immunity can increase susceptibility to fungal or bacterial infections that worsen angular cheilitis. Those with nutritional deficiencies: B vitamin, iron, and protein deficiencies may contribute to the development of angular cheilitis. People with certain medical conditions: inflammatory bowel disease, Down syndrome, and certain skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis may increase the risk. Smokers: Smoking dries out the skin and weakens the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to disease. Certain medications: Some medications, like retinoids, can cause lip dryness, increasing the risk of angular cheilitis. Note: Even if you don’t fit into one of these categories, you might get angular cheilitis in your body. If you have cracks and swelling around the corners of your mouth, visit a healthcare expert for an accurate diagnosis and a suitable therapy. Causes 1. Salivation: This is the most common cause. When saliva gets trapped in the folds around the mouth, it dries out, causing irritation and cracking. It is common in children and older adults. This can happen because of: Improper dentures: Can trap saliva and irritate the corners. Frequent licking of lips: Temporarily relieves dryness but in the long run it creates worse disease. 2. Nutritional Deficiencies: Deficiencies of certain vitamins and minerals can cause angular cheilitis, including: B Vitamins (B1, B2, B3): They play an important role in skin health and proper oral function. Iron: Very important for overall health and skin integrity. 3. Fungal or Bacterial Infection: Fungal or bacterial growth in the cracks can cause additional inflammation and worsen discomfort. 4. Underlying medical conditions: Certain medical conditions can increase sensitivity: Diabetes: May impair wound healing and increase susceptibility to infection. Wounds in the body of people with diabetes take a long time to heal. Crohn’s disease: May affect nutrient absorption, leading to deficiencies. HIV/AIDS: weakens the immune system, predisposing individuals to infection. 5. External Factors: These can trigger or worsen cracked lip corners: Cold, dry weather: Dry skin, making it more prone to cracking. Sun exposure: damages the skin and increases dryness. Certain medications: Certain medications, such as retinoids, can cause dry lips. What Are The Symptoms? Primary symptoms: Fissures: The most characteristic feature, appearing as deep, painful fissures at the corners of your mouth. Redness and inflammation: The affected area becomes red, swollen, and may feel raw or tender. The affected area may also itch. Bleeding: Cracks may bleed, especially when you open your mouth. Additional symptoms: Blisters: Small, fluid-filled blisters may form around the crack. Crusting and Scaling: The skin around the crack may be dry, crusty and flaky. Pain and discomfort: Fissures can be painful, especially when talking, eating or laughing. Burning sensation: You may feel a burning or stinging sensation in the affected area. Maceration: In severe cases, the skin around the cracks may become moist and light-coloured due to excess moisture. How Can I Avoid Angular Cheilitis? Certain causes of angular cheilitis are inevitable. However, you can mitigate your risk by: Avoiding skin allergies and irritants. Eating a healthy and nutrition meal and drinking lots of water. Keep your lips hydrated.  Don’t smoke or use tobacco products. Avoid licking your lips. Avoid using expired cosmetics. Treatment Stop the habit of licking your lips frequently. Consult a doctor for possible vitamin or mineral deficiencies and their correction through diet or supplementation. Also follow everything below. Infections caused by fungi or bacteria: Depending on the pathogen, use the prescribed antifungal or antibiotic cream/ointment. Underlying medical conditions: Work with your doctor to lessen the likelihood of recurrence. Keep the area dry: Gently pat the area with a tissue after sweating or sweating. Avoid licking your lips. Moisturise: Use petroleum jelly or a thick, fragrance-free lip balm on a daily basis to protect and moisturise your skin. Topical ointments: Use over-the-counter or prescription ointments containing zinc oxide or antifungal drugs to aid in healing and infection prevention. Sun and wind protection: Use a lip balm with SPF to protect the affected area from further damage. Pain relief: Over-the-counter pain medicines like ibuprofen and acetaminophen can help alleviate discomfort. When to see a doctor: If the condition does not improve despite home remedies. If there are more signs of infection, such as increased pus or redness. If the fissure extends beyond the corner of the mouth or worsens. Overall If the corner of your lip is cracked then you should see a good doctor as soon as possible. Because it is not right to consider any

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Cold Sore VS Pimple On Lip A Comparative Analysis

Cold sore vs pimple on lip, let’s figure out if it is a cold sore or a pimple?  Read the article to learn all about them and how to deal with them. Cold sores and pimples on the lips are a common skin condition that can affect anyone. For many, this can cause discomfort and confusion. Despite their similar appearance, the characteristics, treatment and therapy are different. Understanding the difference between cold sores and lip pimples is very important for proper diagnosis and therapy. Instagram Twitter Pinterest In this session, we’ll look at the basics of both disorders, including their origins, symptoms, prevention, and treatment options. Whether you have an uncomfortable cold sore or a nasty pimple, this knowledge will help you understand the difference between the two and make informed skin care choices. What Are Cold Sores And Pimples? Cold sore: A cold sore, also known as fever blister or herpes labialis  is a small, painful blister that usually appears on the lips or around the mouth.It is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), namely HSV-1. Pimples: A pimple is a small, raised skin lesion or follicle and an accompanying inflammation of the sebaceous (oil) gland. They usually appear on the face, chest, shoulders and upper back, where there are many oil glands. Hormonal changes excess oil production and bacteria on the skin contribute to the development of Pimples. Causes Of Cold Sores The main culprit: The Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) HSV-1: This type is responsible for most cold sores around the mouth. HSV-2: This type typically causes genital herpes, but it can also cause oral herpes through oral sex. Hormonal changes: Fluctuations in hormone levels, such as during menstruation or pregnancy, can increase the risk of outbreaks. Other factors: Sharing utensils, towels or razors with someone infected with HSV can also transmit the virus, although less commonly than through direct contact. Weakened immune system: Stress, illness, lack of sleep and even sunlight exposure can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to outbreaks. Causes Of Pimples 1. Excess Sebum Production: Your skin has sebaceous glands that produce sebum, an oily substance that keeps your skin moisturised. However, sometimes these glands go into overdrive, producing too much sebum. This excess oil can clog your pores, creating the perfect environment for pimples to form. 2. Blocked Pores: Dead skin cells naturally shed, but sometimes they don’t shed properly and get trapped with sebum in your pores. This debris forms a plug, blocking the pore and leading to inflammation, which we see as a pimple. 3. Hormonal Change: Hormonal changes, especially during puberty, pregnancy and menstruation  can increase sebum production and trigger breakouts. Which causes pimples. 4. Diet: High-glycemic foods and dairy products may worsen acne for some people. 5. Stress: Stress can cause hormonal changes that lead to outbreaks. 6. Medications: Certain medications, such as birth control pills or steroids, can list acne as a side effect. 7. Genetics: Having a family history of acne increases your risk of developing it. 8. Hygiene: While cleanliness is important, harsh scrubbing or over-washing can irritate your skin and worsen acne. How To Spot Cold Sores There are several ways to tell if a bump on your face is a cold sore: Cold sores form clusters of blisters. When HSV-1 reactivates, it causes sudden outbreaks of tightly clustered blisters. The blisters are small but can turn into a large blister within a few hours. Cold sores often affect the lip or lip area. Cold sores can also occur between the mouth and nose or just below the lip of the chin. Cold sores usually cause pain or discomfort. Within days or hours after a cold sore appears, you may notice a burning or tingling sensation on or around the lips. Blisters may sting or hurt as they form. Cold sores are likely to blister. Usually, a cold sore blister will burst open and clear fluid. Open sores, called ulcers, can be extremely painful. How To Spot A Pimple There are several ways to tell if a bump on your face is Pimple( acne). Pimples can form all over the face, including the edges of the lips. When pimples appear on the border of the lips, they can easily be confused for cold sores, especially in the early stages. Pimples do not occur directly on the lips. If you have a bump in the middle of your lip, it’s usually a cold sore. As the pimple progresses, it may form a whitehead that peaks in the middle of the red spot. However, it is still clearly not a blister. Most pimples have a single whitehead, but some pimples are so big that they can form several heads. It is not contagious so there is nothing to worry about. There is no need to be afraid of seeing a pimple if it belongs to someone. Treatment For Cold Sores Over-the-counter antiviral creams and ointments: These medications, such as Abreva (docosanol) and Zovirax (acyclovir), can shorten the healing time of cold sores if applied at the first signs of the disease. Pain remedies: Over-the-counter pain medicines including acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil) can help alleviate the pain and suffering caused by cold sores. Zinc Supplements: According to some research, taking zinc supplements might help to speed up the healing of cold sores. However, more study is required to corroborate these conclusions. Lysine: Lysine, an amino acid, can help prevent cold sores. However, it is not effective in treating existing outbreaks. Here Are Some Tips : Avoid close contact with others, such as kissing and sharing utensils, when you have a cold sore. Wash your hands often, especially after touching your cold sore. Avoid touching your eyes or other parts of your face with your hands. Do not share lip balm or other personal items with others. Treatment For Pimples Topical treatments: These include products with ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and retinoids. Benzoyl peroxide helps kill bacteria, salicylic acid exfoliates dead skin cells, and

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Fever Blister On Lip

Here I will give you detailed information about Fever Blister On Lips. Cold sores and Canker sore to help you deal with these worries and get rid of them. If you are asking what a fever blister is, the answer is simple, it is a symptom of a virus that infects the mouth area( It is also known as cold sores). The virus attacks the cells and as a side effect it creates an area of inflamed sore skin, which we call a fever blister or cold sore. Instagram Twitter Pinterest A fever blister, also known as a cold sore or herpes labialis, is a small, painful blister that usually appears on the lips or around the mouth. It is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), namely HSV-1. Fever blisters are very common and can occur at any time in their lives. They are usually harmless and clear up on their own within a week or two. Fever blisters may appear on the skin. Fever Blisters: Are They Serious? In most cases, no. They are usually harmless and clear up on their own within 7-10 days. Fever blister complications are uncommon symptoms. Most people who are infected with the HSV-1 virus will experience outbreaks of blisters from time to time, but many have no symptoms. However, they can be uncomfortable, causing tingling, itching, burning and pain. In rare cases, they can cause complications such as eye infections, especially if you touch the blisters and then touch your eyes. It can also cause you to go blind. If you have a weakened immune system, such as a child or an adult with a weakened immune system, the virus can spread to other parts of the body, although this is uncommon. Symptoms Of Fever Blisters Itching, itching or burning around the mouth. Red, swollen and painful bumps that turn into fluid-filled blisters. Blisters that break, are raised and painful. The scabs fall off and reveal pink, healing skin. Fever, in some cases. Causes Of Fever Blisters HSV-1 This is the most common cause of fever blisters. HSV-2 The virus that causes genital herpes can also cause cold sores, but this is less common. Stress Stress can weaken the immune system and trigger outbreaks of fever blisters. Fever Fever can also cause outbreaks. Sunburn Sunburn can damage the skin and make it more susceptible to infection. Physical trauma Trauma to the lips or face can also trigger an outbreak. Stages Of A Fever Blister Prodrome This is tingling, itching, or burning that occurs a day or two before the blisters appear. Vesicle This is the stage when blisters form. They are usually small, red and filled with fluid. Ulceration Blisters burst and superficial ulcers form. This is the most painful stage. Crusting Ulcers become scabs and begin to heal. Healing The scab falls off and the skin heals completely. Treatment Option There is no cure or vaccine for herpes simplex virus, but there are effective fever blister treatments. Some treatments are described below. Over-the-counter antiviral creams: Creams containing docosanol (Abreva) and penciclovir (Denavir) can help decrease the length of the outbreak and relieve discomfort. They function by preventing the virus from replicating. Prescription antiviral medicine: If you have severe or frequent outbreaks, your doctor may prescribe oral antiviral medications such as acyclovir (Zovirax), famciclovir (Famvir), or valacyclovir. These drugs work best when administered within 48 hours of the initial symptoms. Pain relievers: Over-the-counter pain medications, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, can help alleviate the discomfort caused by fever blisters. Home remedies: While not a cure, some home remedies can help ease the symptoms: Applying cold compresses to the affected area. Using lip balms or ointments to keep the area moisturised. Avoiding touching or picking at the blisters. Managing stress, which can trigger outbreaks. Can Anyone Avoid A Fever Blister? Once you’re infected, the HSV-1 virus never leaves your body. It lies dormant in the nerve cells of your skin until a trigger — such as a cold or flu, too much sun, cold weather or stress — causes the virus to replicate uncontrollably, causing cold sores or fever blisters on your lips. You can avoid catching it by always drinking plenty of water, getting plenty of rest. You can also try to protect yourself against outbreaks by getting your annual flu vaccine and by managing cold sore triggers like stress, fatigue, cold or too much sunlight. Fever Blister vs. Cold Sore vs. Canker Sore Fever blisters (also known as cold sores) are painful, fluid-filled sores that develop on the exterior of the mouth, near the lips. Fever blisters are highly infectious. Canker sores are painful white or yellow sores that exclusively appear within the mouth, typically on the insides of the cheeks, lips, or tongue. I have given a table below so that everyone can easily understand about the diseases. Hope you can understand about the disease by looking at the table.     Feature Fever Blister/Cold Sore Canker Sore Cause Herpes simplex virus (HSV-1 or HSV-2) Not fully understood, but likely involves stress, fatigue, dietary deficiencies, and genetics Location Typically on or around lips, but can also appear on gums, nose or chin Inside the mouth, on tongue, cheeks, lips or gum Appearance Clusters of small, fluid-filled blisters with red bases Single or multiple round or oval sores with white or yellow centre and red border Pain Yes, often tingling, burning, or itching before blisters appear Yes, sharp or burning pain Contagiousness Yes, highly contagious through skin-to-skin contact No, not contagious Recurrence Can recur throughout life, often triggered by stress, illness or sun exposure Can recur, but typically less often than fever blisters Treatment Antiviral creams, pain relievers, cold compresses Over-the-counter pain relievers, topical oral rinses, good oral hygiene Healing time Usually heals within 7-10 days Usually heals within 1-2 weeks   Overall It is important to note that, although there is no cure for herpes simplex virus, many people with the disease lead normal lives and only have periodic

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Shop Summer Fridays Lip Butter Balm

Wanna Shop Summer Fridays Lip Butter Balm. First let’s get some essential information about this product. Here you can know everything about this lip balm. Let’s  dive into product details. In the world of lip care, Summer Friday Lip Butter Balm has come out  as a major contender that has wowed beauty lovers with its claim of being 100% vegan, moisturising and colour-enhancing. Instagram Twitter Pinterest Summer Friday Lip Butter Balm is a luxurious lip balm that hydrates, soothes and brightens your lips. It is formulated with a blend of Shea Butter, Murumuru Seed Butter and Castor Seed Oil, among other natural ingredients, to nourish and protect your lips. Bam is also vegetarian and cruelty-free. I’ve been using the Summer Fridays Lip Butter Balm for a few weeks  and I’m really impressed with it. Here are some of my thoughts. Product Details Summer Friday Lip Butter Balm is a multi-tasking, award-winning lip balm that helps hydrate, soothe and brighten your lips. It has quickly become a favourite among beauty enthusiasts and makeup artists alike. Here’s what makes this lip balm so special: Key Features 🌟Intense Hydration Formulated with ultra-nourishing Shea Butter and Murumuru Seed Butter, this balm melts on your lips  providing instant and long-lasting hydration. Say goodbye to dry and chapped lips! 🌟Subtle Shine Unlike some balms that leave your lips feeling greasy, Summer Friday Lip Butter Balm works without any stickiness to help provide a nice, natural shine. It’s perfect for a no-makeup look or as a lipstick base. 🌟Beautiful Scents Choose from 7 heavenly scents: Vanilla, Pink Sugar, Vanilla Beige, Brown Sugar, Cherry, Sweet Mint and Poppy. Each one adds sweetness and luxury to your lip care routine. Choose your favourite scent. 🌟Vegan and cruelty-free Made with all-natural ingredients, this balm is gentle on your lips and kind to all skin types. Contains no harmful ingredients. 🌟Sleek Packaging The sleek, minimalist tube is perfect for tossing in your purse or makeup bag. Product Cons Price Shade Range Thin Consistency Limited SPF Price At $24, Summer Fridays Lip Butter Balm is more expensive than many drugstore lip balms. Shade Range While the seven shades offer variety, some users might wish for a wider range of nudes or deeper colours. Thin Consistency Some reviewers find the balm to be a bit thin and prone to melting in warmer weather. This can lead to quicker product usage. Limited SPF The balm doesn’t offer any SPF protection, so you’ll need to use a separate lip sunscreen if sun exposure is a concern. Available Shades Product has 7 Shades, They are.. Vanilla Sweet and comforting classic. Cherry Juicy and playful pop of colour. Pink Sugar A soft and romantic pink with a hint of sweetness. Vanilla Beige A sheer nude with a touch of warmth. Brown Sugar A warm, caramel shade with a hint of sweetness. Sweet Mint A refreshing and invigorating mint scent with a subtle pink tint. Poppy A vibrant orange-red shade with a hint of berry. key Ingredients Disteardimonium Hectorite, Mica,Shea Butter, Murumuru Seed Butter, Sodium Hyaluronate,Shine Boosters,Phytosteryl, Isostearyl,Cetyl, Stearyl,Behenyl Dimer, Dilinoleate, Vanilla, Vanilla Beige, Hydrogenated Polyisobutene, Cherry, Pink Sugar, Brown Sugar, Sweet Mint, Poppy, Diisostearyl Malate. Additional Notes: The balm is free of parabens, sulphates, phthalates  and mineral oil. It is gluten-free. The packaging is recyclable. Overall Summer Fridays Lip Butter Balm is a luxurious lip balm that delivers on its promises of hydration, shine, and delicious scents. However, the price tag and thin consistency might deter some users. If you’re looking for a high-quality, multi-purpose lip balm and don’t mind the price, then this is definitely worth checking out. Just remember to reapply frequently and use a separate SPF lip balm if needed. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to try Summer Fridays Lip Butter Balm is up to you. Weigh the pros and cons and see if it fits your needs and budget. Customer Reviews Smells so good. I was afraid to acquire this because everyone else had it and raved about it, and if I follow all the trends, I’ll be homeless regardless. I caved and bought it since I like a plain lip for everyday but need some colour. I like gloss, so this is tinted and has a glossy finish. That’s why I adore it. It’s incredibly silky and glossy, which I adore. I’d say it’s a little thick and gunky, but not so much that I don’t use it haha. It’s not sticky in the sense that it gets into your hair and makes you feel horrible afterwards. But the fragrance is phenomenal. Hayden Sessoms US on January 17, 2024 AMAZING! This stuff made my lips feel great 😍 and smells SO nice. I purchased the vanilla one, which is clear, and I would suggest it to everyone. Amazon Customer US on January 17, 2024 This Summer Fridays Lip Butter Balm is an absolute MUST!! It provides the ideal amount of hydration and gloss while remaining completely non-sticky. My daughter and I both rebuy multiple times. 10/10 Lauren Lambert US on January 10, 2024 Really good but too expensive!! I received this last week and I really adore it. The product is of high quality and comes in large quantities, so it will last a long time. I’ve had several compliments on how my lips have remained glossed for so long since this lip butter lasts so long and smells beautiful, however 24$ for a lip butter seems absurd to me. Marilyn US on January 11, 2024 One of the nicest lip products ever! 🥹🥹 The Summer Fridays lip balms are really amazing!! 💕💕 They’re incredibly moisturising, smell fantastic, and look stunning. So far, I’ve tried vanilla and vanilla beige; I plan to explore perfumes soon:) GG’s Mimi US on January 17, 2024

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Blister On Lip Not Cold Sore

Blister On Lip Not Cold Sore is a serious issue for your lips and health, because it’s more complicated than cold sore and also harmful and long lasting. Normally lip blisters aren’t always cold sores. They can be caused by various factors like surgeries, dental procedures, allergic reactions, trauma, or infections. While cold sores are often linked to herpes, other blisters may have different causes. Instagram Twitter Pinterest It’s essential to recognize these differences and understand that blisters can occur due to multiple reasons. By exploring beyond cold sores, we gain insights into the diverse nature of lip blisters and how to manage them effectively. Possible Causes Beyond Cold Sores Lip blisters can happen for reasons other than cold sores. Here are some possible causes: Post-Surgery Strain Surgery, including wisdom teeth removal, can stress the immune system, potentially triggering blisters. Dental Procedures Instances of lip blisters following dental procedures, possibly due to irritation or trauma, have been reported. Allergic Reactions Swelling and blistering may result from allergic reactions to dental equipment or materials. Biting or Trauma Accidental lip biting, suction from dental tools, or other physical traumas can lead to blisters. Infections Bacterial infections like MRSA could cause blister-like sores, especially if there’s a history of dental or medical procedures. Lip Blisters Unrelated to Cold Sores Lip blisters can be mysterious, especially when they’re not cold sores. Here’s what you need to know: Sometimes, lip blisters appear for reasons other than cold sores. They can occur due to various factors like trauma, allergic reactions, infections, or even dental procedures. These blisters might look similar to cold sores but have different causes. If you notice lip blisters but aren’t sure if they’re cold sores, it’s essential to consider other possibilities. Trauma from accidental biting, irritation from dental tools, or allergic reactions to lip care products can lead to blister formation. Seeking medical advice is so crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment. Your healthcare provider can help determine the cause of the lip blisters and recommend appropriate management strategies. Remember, understanding the reasons behind lip blisters unrelated to cold sores can help you take better care of your lips and overall health. Management and Prevention Tips Managing and preventing lip blisters involves simple yet effective strategies: Avoid Popping Refrain from popping blisters to prevent infection and aid healing. Hygiene and Care Keep the affected area clean and apply antibacterial ointment like Neosporin to avoid infections. Sun Protection Shield lips from direct sunlight to prevent exacerbating the condition. Immune Support Strengthening the immune system through vitamins and healthy habits may help prevent future outbreaks. Consult a Healthcare Professional Seek medical advice to identify the cause and explore treatment options, especially if the condition persists or worsens. Dental Considerations When it comes to lip blisters, dental procedures can sometimes play a role. Some important things to consider: Novocaine Sensitivity Some individuals speculate a connection between dental anesthesia (e.g., Novocaine) and cold sore outbreaks. Discuss alternative numbing options with your dentist if sensitivity is suspected. Hygiene During Procedures Communicate any allergies or sensitivities to dental staff to minimize potential reactions. Preventive Measures Taking antiviral medication before dental visits could be considered for those prone to outbreaks. Lip Balm Sensitivity Some individuals have noticed a correlation between certain lip balms or glosses and increased susceptibility to lip blisters. Pay attention to product ingredients and avoid those that cause irritation or tingling sensations. Solutions for Lip Blisters Avoid popping blisters to prevent infection and aid healing. Maintain proper hygiene and apply antibacterial ointments to keep the affected area clean. Protect your lips from direct sunlight to prevent worsening the condition. Strengthen your immune system with vitamins and healthy habits to prevent future outbreaks. Seek medical advice to identify the cause and explore treatment options if the condition persists or worsens. Understanding the causes and implementing appropriate solutions can help manage lip blisters effectively, providing relief beyond the realm of cold sores. Herpes Awareness Cold sores, caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), can manifest differently among individuals. Understanding transmission modes and seeking medical evaluation for any suspicious symptoms are crucial steps in managing herpes infections. It is usually a common viral infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). It manifests in two main types- HSV-1, which often causes oral herpes or cold sores, and HSV-2, responsible for genital herpes. Here’s what you need to know: Transmission: Herpes spreads through close contact with an infected person, particularly through oral, genital, or skin-to-skin contact. Symptoms: Cold sores, fever blisters, genital ulcers, and flu-like symptoms are common signs of herpes infection. Management: While there is no cure for herpes, antiviral medications can help manage symptoms, reduce outbreaks, and prevent transmission. Prevention: Practicing safe sex, avoiding intimate contact during outbreaks, and maintaining good personal hygiene can help prevent herpes transmission. Stigma: Despite its prevalence, herpes often carries social stigma and misconceptions. Education and open communication are essential in reducing stigma and supporting those affected by the virus. Testing: Testing for herpes involves blood tests or swabs from active lesions. An early detection allows for prompt treatment and management. Psychological Impact: Living with herpes can impact mental health and relationships. Seeking support from a trusted healthcare providers, counselors, or support groups can help individuals cope with the emotional aspects of the condition. By raising awareness about herpes, we can promote understanding, reduce stigma, and encourage proactive measures for prevention and management. Personal Hygiene and MRSA Awareness Any sore resembling a pimple warrants consideration for MRSA testing, given its contagious and potentially serious nature. Prompt medical attention is crucial for diagnosis and treatment. In summary, while lip blisters unrelated to cold sores can pose challenges, proactive hygiene, medical consultation, and preventive measures tailored to individual experiences are key in managing and mitigating future occurrences. What is MRSA? MRSA stands for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. It’s a type of bacteria that’s resistant to many antibiotics commonly used to treat bacterial infections. MRSA infections can range from mild skin infections to more severe and potentially

Blister On Lip Not Cold Sore

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Lip Flip Before And After Smile

Wanna discover Lip flip before and after Smile? Let’s get started. A lip flip, which is a non-surgical cosmetic surgery, the top lip is gently made to “flip” outward by relaxing the surrounding muscles with a little dose of botulinum toxin (Botox). This gives the appearance of bigger lips and a more defined smile. Fear not—a lip lift is a simple cosmetic treatment that does not require surgery. Botox, also known as botulinum toxin, is a chemical that is administered under the skin through tiny injections. It gently helps to enhance the upper lip. Instagram Twitter Pinterest This is a great option for those who want to subtly improve their smile without aggressive lip fillers. It does not require surgery, so it is a very good procedure. Before Lip Flip Before the lip flip, I wasn’t worried about the shape of my lips. Many of my family members had thin lips. Later I noticed that my lips are also very thin, usually due to genetics. My nose and eyes were fine. Only my lips had a problem. I asked many acquaintances their opinion about my lips and most of them gave me negative reviews. Also when I smile my gums show which is very annoying, I don’t even want to smile because of it. It started to annoy me slowly. Later I thought I’d flip my lip, since it’s temporary so let’s do some testing on my body. This is the story before my lips flipped. Sharing my experience after flipping the lip below. After Lip Flip (Botox Lip Flip) A lot has changed in my life lately. My four short injections have significantly improved my smile confidence. We all had thin lips in our family. Later I flipped the lips. After receiving these injections I started checking my mirror more often in the following days to see if there were any obvious changes. Then, when I woke up on the fourth day, I saw a startling change in the mirror: my lips were upside down! I eagerly shared a ton of selfies with my closest friends. Except for my fiance, who didn’t really notice until I pointed it out to him, everyone was thrilled with the results. Then I can open my heart and smile. Now my gums are not visible anymore, the red part of my lips is also visible. I am very happy. This has given us a new look. Botox lip-flipping customer reviews I had previously had lip fillers, and I wasn’t happy with how much my face looked different. Subtle was my preference, but I still desired a bigger lip. I made the decision to do a Botox lip flip after reading about it. Even with the numbing lotion, receiving injections there was still rather uncomfortable. After 10 days or so, the numbness in my upper lip is beginning to go. Eating felt difficult for a time, and I i couldn’t even swirl water in my mouth without it dripping out. Nevertheless, I’m thrilled with the outcome. I now have the desired natural fullness. Simultaneously, I received a unit of filler for my marionette lines. Jenniferyonker 14 Jan 2024, 9 days Scared about Lip Flip Results – 6 Days Later, Asymmetry. I had a lip flip with filler six days ago, and while the filler is healing beautifully and I have no issues, the lip flip is beginning to take effect and is causing me a lot of anxiety. I am unable to move one side of my grin, which is making it asymmetrical. When I contacted the nurse who gave me the information, she advised me to wait the full 14 days and schedule a follow-up. However, the fact that one side is weaker than the other terrifies me. Please let me know whether this is typical, someone! Chiklitbean 3 July 2023, 6 days I am quite pleased with my experience, and the results are incredible. I can’t thank Brittany enough for using her professional knowledge and talents to transform my “gummy smile” into what it is now.I never expected it to be this wonderful. I can now grin or laugh without instinctively covering my lips because it is no longer my biggest insecurity. Brittany has been fantastic throughout the process, from the moment I met her and had my consultation, despite the fact that I was really scared. She put me at ease, and I felt I could trust her to do precisely what I needed to get the results I wanted.Throughout the process of determining the proper dosage for my recalcitrant lip muscle, she always explained everything properly and provided me with comfort about her activities. She clearly enjoys what she does, as seen by her level of expertise and the services she gives to help each client feel happy and confident. Courtttclaytonnn 18 Aug 2021, 23 days Every time I’ve gone, I’ve had nothing but positive experiences; I feel fully at ease and in good hands! I had Botox in my upper lip for a lip flip, and Sarah offered me the finest advice, and the results were precisely what I was looking for. Neat947433 2 Apr 2021 I’ve always had a lot of gum showing when I grinned. I was so self-conscious about it that I learnt to either avoid smiling in images, use a little “small” to hide it, or not take any pictures of myself at all. Someone who meant well informed me, “it doesn’t look as bad in real life when you’re laughing and smiling,” which I took to indicate that it was enough to be seen by others. I was overjoyed to discover that neurotoxicity might be used to prevent my lip from rising so high when I smiled, laughed, or spoke. I can now grin, laugh, and shoot photographs with more confidence than ever! It has made a significant impact on how I feel about myself, and I continue to have therapy every three months when I have my neurotoxin. Thank you very much,

lip flip before and after smile

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Lip Flip Before And After

Its Mandatory to have all the information about “Lip Flip before and after” before Having a Lip Flip. I have shared my experience and give information for you that can help you in Lip Flip. Ok Let’s read and know all about lip flipping. Before getting a lip flip, I was never worried about the shape of my lips. Many of my family members had paper thin lips. Later I also noticed that my lips are very thin, usually this is due to genetics. My nose and eyes were fine. Only my lips had a problem. I asked many acquaintances for their opinion about my lips and most of them gave me negative reviews. Instagram Twitter Pinterest Finally, I thought my lips needed a little change. Then I decided to flip my lip. Before starting lip flips, I told a dermatologist and plastic surgeon everything and asked what you need to know. Below is what they finally told me. What Is A Lip Flip? Before lip flipping you need to know what lip flipping is and how lip flipping is done. A lip lift is a simple cosmetic procedure that does not involve surgery, so you have nothing to fear about it. It is a substance called botulinum toxin that is used in small injections, commonly known as Botox. It helps give a subtle boost to the upper lip. The procedure targets specific muscles around the face to achieve two main effects: Relaxation Botox orbicularis oris is a substance that helps relax muscles. This muscle normally helps pull the lips inward when you smile or speak. By relaxing the lips, the upper lip naturally moves outwards (puffs out) and enhances the red part of the lip and makes it look fuller. Lift Botox injections are strategically placed above the lip line, near the cupid’s bow (the curve in the centre of the upper lip). After placement, the corners of the mouth are slightly lifted, adding a fuller, prettier and more pouty look. A Person Who Qualifies For A Lip Flip Would Be Someone Who Have a thin upper lip If you have a naturally thin upper lip and want a fuller look without harsh volume, a lip lift can be an excellent option for you. Have a “sticky smile” Do you feel your gums or inside teeth showing excessively when you smile? The lip inversion procedure relaxes the muscles that pull the lips inward, exposing more red areas of the lips and reducing the appearance of gum tissue. Want a small enhancement Unlike lip fillers that make lips look bigger, a lip flip changes the shape of your current lips. This gentle way is great for those who want their lips to look naturally full without big, noticeable changes. Want a non-invasive procedure Lip flips are minimally invasive, meaning they are less painful, require no incisions or downtime. This makes it attractive to those who fear surgical procedures. Comfortable with temporary results The effects of a lip lift usually last 2-4 months, giving you the experience of experimenting with looks without a permanent commitment. Will Anybody Observe Any Changes After Getting A Lip Flip? It depends on a few factors before and after lip flip. Let’s see what are the reasons. If someone already has plump lips that are very visible and large, they may not notice a difference from a lip flip. If you have small lips and you turn your lips, people close to you will notice it. This is a common thing. Even if you don’t smile, your upper lip will look a bit full and puffy. This is because the relaxed muscles allow the lips to come outwards, exposing more of the pink lip tissue, and the change is noticeable. Your gums may show less when you smile, which can be noticeable. But this creates a more aesthetically pleasing smile. One of the other causes is over injecting Botox into the body. This will make your lips look extra plump, which can wear off to the human eye. When you swallow for any type of cosmetic change, your face changes more than the first day. If you want your facial changes to go unnoticed, you need to visit a qualified doctor and learn about lip flips first, then seek treatment. It is important to note that the results after a lip lift depend on individual factors such as the amount of Botox, your natural lip shape and your desired results. However, most people after getting the treatment have a beautiful smile and the redness of their lips is more pronounced. When Lip Flips Go Wrong The lip flip, a non-surgical cosmetic procedure using botulinum toxin (Botox) injections, has become increasingly popular for its ability to subtly enhance the upper lip. While it is generally a safe and effective procedure with minimal risks, there are still some potential downsides and complications to be aware of. ⭐️Uneven results This is one of the most common complications, and can happen if Botox is injected unevenly into your body. This can cause one side of the lip to look more puffy than the other, which can detract from your smile. ⭐️Overstretching of the muscles If too much Botox is injected, it can cause the muscles around the mouth to relax too much, causing drooling, difficulty speaking, and difficulty swallowing. ⭐️Swelling and bruises This is nothing to worry about, these are common side effects of any injection, they are usually mild and temporary. ⭐️Infection This is a rare complication, which can occur if the injection site is not properly sterilised. Make sure the injection is sterile. ⭐️Reactions due to allergies This is also rare, but it is important to be aware of the possibility. If you are allergic to Botox or other drugs, it is best not to use it. How Long Does A Lip Flip Last? One of the most common questions about lip augmentation is how long the results last. The duration of lip flip effects may vary

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KIKO Lipstick Gloss Valid Reviews and Unknown Information

Mainly, KIKO lipstick gloss is known for offering various lip products, including lipsticks and lip glosses, in a variety of shades and formulations. KIKO’s lip glosses typically provide a glossy finish and may come in different textures and colours to suit different preferences. The lip gloss is a soft, moisturising formula that comes in 30 or more shades and a variety of finishes including transparent, highly pigmented, glossy and pearl. In their website they offer many kinds of  Lip Glosses. All details about these products are given below. About KIKO Lip Glosses Here is all about kiko lipstick gloss. Here are Some key features of KIKO lipstick gloss. key Features 3D Hydra Lipgloss: This lip gloss is designed to provide a 3D look and a plumping effect. It contains Bidens extract, which has been clinically tested to increase lip volume by 23%. Non-sticky, long-lasting: The formula is non-sticky and provides long-lasting colour, without being sticky. Dermatologically tested and non-comedogenic: KIKO lip glosses are dermatologically tested and non-comedogenic, meaning they won’t block your pores. Variety of colours and finishes: KIKO provides a wide range of lip gloss colours and finishes, including transparent, highly pigmented, shiny and pearly. Soft wand applicator: The lip gloss comes with a soft wand applicator designed to focus the gloss’s texture and precisely outline the lips. Moisturising formula: The 3D Hydra Lipgloss contains passion fruit oil, which helps to moisturise and soften the lips. Top 5 Lipstick Gloss Here discussed the top 5 lip gloss products below. 1. 3d Hydra Lipgloss – Limited Edition The 3D Hydra Lipgloss is a limited-edition lip gloss from KIKO MILANO that promises to give your lips a 3D-effect shine and volume. It’s enriched with passion fruit oil, which is known for its moisturising and nourishing properties, and it has a comfortable, non-sticky texture. key features of 3D Hydra Lipgloss 3D-effect shine: The gloss contains reflective particles that create a multi-dimensional shine on the lips. Moisturising: The formula is enriched with passion fruit oil, which helps to keep lips hydrated and soft. Non-sticky: The gloss has a comfortable, non-sticky texture that’s easy to wear. Limited edition: This gloss is only available for a limited time, so get it while you can! Overall, the 3D Hydra Lipgloss is a great option if you’re looking for a high-shine, moisturising lip gloss. It’s also a good choice for those who want to try a limited-edition product. Ingredients POLYBUTENE, OCTYLDODECANOL, SILICA DIMETHYL SILYLATE, OCTYLDODECYL STEAROYL STEARATE, TRIETHYLHEXANOIN, TRIISODECYL TRIMELLITATE, ISOCETYL STEARATE, DIISOSTEARYL MALATE, MICA, PHENYL PROPYL DIMETHYL SILOXY SILICATE, SYNTHETIC FLUORPHLOGOPITE, GLYCERYL BEHENATE/EICOSADIOATE, CALCIUM SODIUM BOROSILICATE, ELAEIS GUINEENSIS OIL (ELAEIS GUINEENSIS (PALM) OIL), GOSSYPIUM HERBACEUM SEED OIL(GOSSYPIUM HERBACEUM (COTTON) SEED OIL), DIETHYLHEXYL SYRINGYLIDENEMALONATE, BIDENS PILOSA EXTRACT, LINUM USITATISSIMUM SEED OIL (LINUM USITATISSIMUM (LINSEED) SEED OIL), TOCOPHERYL ACETATE, CALCIUM ALUMINIUM BOROSILICATE, PENTAERYTHRITYL TETRAISOSTEARATE, PASSIFLORA EDULIS SEED OIL, ETHYL VANILLIN, CAPRYLIC/CAPRIC TRIGLYCERIDE, SILICA, TIN OXIDE, TOCOPHEROL. +/- (MAY CONTAIN): CI 77891 (TITANIUM DIOXIDE), CI 77491 – CI 77499 (IRON OXIDES), CI 15850 (RED 6), CI 19140 (YELLOW 5 LAKE), CI 42090 (BLUE 1 LAKE), CI 45410 (RED 28 LAKE). Users Reviews Most reviews are positive. Some valid reviews of this product. LOVE LOVE LOVE!! I bought the 3D hydra limited edition in marvellous mauve and i am obsessed!! very pigmented, hydrating (especially as I get eczema around my lips) and glossy. The colour red is a subtle touch of red!! LOVE LOVE will buy more!!! Mishal L. Verified I bought three super expensive 3D glosses, €12.99 per Glosse, which I usually buy for €9.90. I wanted to try it. I’m disappointed, and what’s more, I paid super expensive, but my lips are dry and in 10 minutes there is nothing left on the student. I don’t know how to get my money back .I don’t recommend his 3D glosses. Julia J. Miller Verified Very nice, I purchased a timeless rose which is an almost sheer light pink with some glitter which makes it a little more three dimensional. I like it because it’s not sticky and stays in place without going around the face while still being very shiny. However, I also prefer volumizing glosses so I don’t know if I will buy it again once it’s finished. However, it is a very good gloss that goes well with all makeup especially in summer. Rosado Verified I love it Need I say more about this amazing product? You needn’t even apply a large amount of lipgloss, as it’s so pigmented, nourishing and lasting. I’m in love! Carol Clinto Verified 2. Stellar Love Duo Lip Color & Gloss The Stellar Love Duo Lip Color & Gloss is a 2-in-1 product by KIKO MILANO    that combines a creamy, soft lipstick with a high-shine lip gloss. It’s described  as having a comfortable texture and intense, trendy shades, making it perfect for creating a variety of looks. key features of Stellar Love Duo Lip Color & Gloss 2-in-1 formula: Combine lipstick and lip gloss in one product, saving you time and space. Creamy, soft texture: The lipstick is said to be comfortable to wear and easy to apply. High-shine gloss: The lip gloss adds a touch of shine and dimension to your lips. Intense, trendy shades: The Stellar Love Duo comes in a range of flattering shades, from nudes to pinks to reds. Precise tip: The lipstick has a pointed tip for easy application and lip definition. Flocked applicator: The lip gloss has a soft, flocked applicator that delivers a smooth, even coat. Dermatologically tested: Suitable for sensitive skin. Overall, the Stellar Love Duo Lip Color & Gloss is a versatile product that can be used to create a variety of looks. It’s also affordable, making it a great option for budget-minded beauty lovers. Unfortunately there is no  valid review. Ingredients POLYBUTENE, OCTYLDODECANOL, DIMETHYL SILICA SILICATE, RICINUS COMMUNIS SEED OIL (RICINUS COMMUNIS (RICINUS) SEED OIL), MICA, TRIBEHENIN, FLAVOR, PENTAERYTHRITYL TETRA-DI-T-BUTYL HYDROXYHYDROCINNAMATE. +/- (MAY CONTAIN): CI 77891 (TITANIUM DIOXIDE), CI 15850 (RED LAKE 6/RED 7), CI 77491 – CI 77492 –

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