Dear Peachie Makeup Quiz

Are you continuously trying to select what cosmetics to wear? Choose your favourite dear peachie makeup quiz and forget those harsh days. This quiz generally assesses your facial features and then helps you find your makeup type. Nowadays it has become very popular among youngsters.

Below I will give you all information about Dear Peachie Makeup. This will help you understand and know all about it. If you understand this well then you can give yourself a new look by using Dear Peachie Makeup Quiz. Let’s see everything below.

What Exactly Is The Dear Peachie Makeup Quiz?

The Dear Peachy Cosmetics Questionnaire is a popular online questionnaire that helps people identify their cosmetic archetypes based on facial features and visual weight. Dear Peachy, an East Asian beauty content company, developed the quiz, which gained popularity due to its accuracy in providing cosmetic ideas based on a person’s face shape and features. This quiz contains 15 facial feature questions that help test feature salience to identify the best makeup archetypes.

Dear Peach proposes 8 archetypes: Intelligence, Elegant, Romantic, Natural, Classic, Dramatic, Modern and Gummy, each independent of facial features and visual weight.

The questionnaire was well received, and those who participated liked it a lot. If you want to determine the cosmetic archetype of your favourite peach, you can play the quiz. Quizzes are provided on various websites.

Identify Your Makeup Archetype

There are 8 different archetypes, each with their own unique styles and recommendations:

Ingenue: Ingenue type is suitable for people with round and soft faces. It reminds me of a gentle beauty. It is soft and youthful with rounded features.

Elegant:  Dreamy and delicate, with soft features and light colouring.

Romantic: Classic and feminine, with balanced features. This archetype goes nicely with adorable or Retro Hong Kong female fashions.

Dramatic: It is designated for those of dignity, charm, and intensity. Bold and striking, with defined features.

Modern: It is reserved for those of dignity, charm, and intensity. Bold and striking, with defined features. Chic and sophisticated, with sharp features.

Classic: This archetype is intended for persons who exude maturity and assurance. Timeless and elegant, with balanced features.

Gamine: Playful and quirky, with angular features. The gamine archetype slightly resembles masculine beauty. As a result, it’s no surprise that it complements tomboyish trends such as airy boyish and soft grunge.

Natural: The natural archetype is the most popular and has an effortless aura that blends roundness and angularity. This archetype is described as easygoing, friendly and casual.

There are a few ways you can experience the Dear Peachie Makeup Quiz:

Take the original quiz:

You can find the original quiz on Dear Peachie’s website (although it seems the official website is currently unavailable). It asks you a series of questions about your facial features, colouring, and makeup preferences.

Read about the archetypes: 

You can learn about the different archetypes and their associated makeup styles on various websites and YouTube channels.

Watch a video breakdown:

Many beauty Youtubers have created videos explaining the archetypes and demonstrating makeup looks for each one.


It’s important to remember that makeup is about personal expression, so don’t feel limited by your stereotypes. The quiz is meant to be a starting point or gum, not a rule book, so it’s best not to depend too much on it. It’s like a game. You can experiment with different styles and products to find what makes you feel confident and beautiful.

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