Ingrown Hair Turned Into Hard Lump Under Skin

Are you suffering from ingrown hair that is turning into a hard lump under Skin? Oftentimes it becomes a hard lump under the skin. Let’s know all about this. 

Ingrown hairs occur when the hair grows downward instead of coming out of the skin and is stuck in the skin. Ingrown hairs can sometimes turn into cysts, but this is nothing serious, so there is nothing to fear. These cysts can also be treated with home remedies.

Ingrown hairs can be painful. When a hair falls back down instead of up from the skin, it can cause irritation, inflammation, and more…

Infections can cause discomfort or pain. The surrounding skin is red, swollen and tender, and pus may form inside. Read on to learn all about the types of ingrown hair cysts and how to treat and prevent them.

What Is Ingrown Hair?

When a hair grows into the skin, a fluid-filled lump can form, which becomes a cyst.

It often looks like a red pimple with a hair on the surface of the skin, but other types can look different and occur on different parts of the body.

Every pore of your skin has a pore, some fine and some coarse. Pores are small openings in our skin that allow sweat and oil to drain from the surface of the glands

Hair grows from below these pores and the hair is soaked in the sebum secreted by the pores. But if the top of your pore is blocked by debris or excess sebum and becomes inflamed, the hair can’t make its way out, causing hair to fall out and grow underneath the skin.

Bacteria can then take control and create folliculitis, an infection that results in the formation of a cyst. 

How Can You Recognize An Ingrown Hair Cyst?

Providing  you with a simple table outlining some common characteristics of an ingrown hair cyst for identification.

However, if you feel you have an ingrown hair cyst or any other skin disease, you should visit with a healthcare expert for an exact diagnosis and treatment.

Characteristic Ingrown hair cyst(Description)
Appearance Small, red bump with a visible hair also bump on the skin
Location Common in locations where hair is regularly shaved or waxed, such as the face, neck, underarms, or bikini line
Pain It may be uncomfortable or sensitive to touch
Itching Itching or irritation in the affected area
Pus The discharge may be white or yellowish
Crusting or scabbing May develop a crust or scab
Duration One can go on for a long time if left untreated
Hair Growth Hair may be visible below the surface

Difference Between All Types Of Ingrown Hair

Types of Ingrown Hair: Below a comparison table

ingrown hair turned into hard lump under skin information table
Table 2

Causes Of Ingrown Hair?

Ingrown hairs can occur for a number of reasons and the most common causes include:

1. Hair Removal Procedures: Ingrown hairs are often caused by shaving, waxing or plucking. When a corner of hair is cut or removed, it may have difficulty growing out of the follicle properly, resulting in ingrown hairs.

2. Curly or Coarse Hair: People with naturally curly or coarse hair are more likely to get ingrown hairs. Hair may grow back into the skin instead of growing straight out.

3. Tight clothing: Tight clothing can contribute to ingrown hairs, especially in areas where there is friction. This friction can force the hair to grow back into the skin. Therefore, tight clothing cannot be worn.

4. Excessive dead skin cells: A build-up of dead skin cells can block hair follicles, making it difficult for hair to emerge from the skin’s surface. This can lead to ingrown hairs.

5. Improper skin care: Inadequate exfoliation and moisturising can clog pores with dead skin, which contributes to ingrown hairs. Keeping the skin well moisturised and exfoliated reduces the chances of ingrown hairs.

6. Genetics: Some individuals may be genetically predisposed to developing ingrown hairs due to factors such as hair texture and follicle shape.

7. Improper shaving technique: Shaving against the direction of hair growth or using a dull blade can lead to ingrown hairs. Shaving with a sharp, clean razor and in the direction of hair growth is essential.

8. Ingrown Hair Cyst: If the ingrown hair becomes infected, it can form a cyst, which causes more significant discomfort and makes it difficult to break the hair cuticle. This causes pain in that place.

What Are The Treatments?

There are different treatments for ingrown hair cysts, depending on the severity and your personal situation. Here is a description.

Home Treatments:

  • Warm compresses: Applying a warm compress to the affected area for 10-20 minutes several times a day can help soften the skin, reduce inflammation, and promote hair growth.
  • Exfoliation: Gently exfoliate the region with a washcloth or a gentle exfoliating scrub to help eliminate dead skin cells that might clog hair follicles. It’s best not to overuse it because it might irritate your skin.
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) medications: Products like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid can help decrease inflammation and facilitate healing. Specially formulated cream for ingrown hair.
  • Tea tree oil: This natural oil contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory characteristics, and some individuals find it useful for decreasing the size and pain of ingrown hairs. Dilute it with a carrier oil like jojoba or olive oil before applying, then use.

Professional treatments:

  • Extraction: If the ingrown hair cannot be easily removed and is heavily infected, a dermatologist or other healthcare professional can carefully extract it using sterile tweezers or a needle, or follow their advice.
  • Prescription medicines: If OTC medications aren’t effective, your doctor may prescribe topical or oral antibiotics to treat the infection, or stronger topical medications like retinoids to reduce inflammation and prevent future ingrown hairs. Use them carefully as per prescription.
  • Hair removal using laser: In severe cases, laser hair removal can be a long-term solution to prevent ingrown hairs in certain areas. But this can be expensive.

Tips that you may find useful

⭐️Do not try to squeeze or pop an ingrown hair cyst. This can aggravate inflammation, raise the risk of infection, and cause scarring.

⭐️If the ingrown hair is large, painful, or shows signs of infection (pus, redness, swelling), see a doctor for professional treatment.

⭐️If you prefer frizzy hair, shaving, waxing or sugaring, using an electric razor, or using a depilatory cream can help.

⭐️Exfoliating regularly can help remove dead skin cells from clogging pores and promote hair growth.

Products You Can Try Prevent Ingrown Hairs

  • Exfoliating Scrubs
  • Topical Exfoliating Lotions
  • Topical Antibacterial Creams
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Witch Hazel
  • Topical Steroid Creams
  • Moisturisers
  • Retinoid Creams
  • Electric Razors
  • Ingrown Hair Serum

When Should You Consult A Medical Professional?

In most cases, you don’t need to see a healthcare professional for razor bumps. OTC treatments usually help with hair removal.

If the bumps or cysts become extremely bothersome and painful — or if they don’t fade — see a healthcare professional or dermatologist. They can determine the type of cyst and drain or remove it. Sometimes the cyst can become very large. If you suspect an infection, you should see a healthcare professional. Symptoms of infection include:

  • Pus oozes from the bump or cyst
  • Increased redness
  • Itching
  • Pain increase
  • Bad smell
  • Swollen
  • Fever

How To Prevent Ingrown Hairs From Growing Back?

If you have frequent hair cysts, try the following prevention measures to prevent them from coming back.

  • Before shaving, thoroughly wash your skin with warm water and a light cleanser.
  • To exfoliate dead skin cells, use a light exfoliator before shaving.
  • Use a sharp and clean blade or electric razor and try not to use the same area repeatedly.
  • Always keep shaving tools clean.
  • Do not shave too closely.
  • Always shave in the direction of hair growth and do not pull the skin too hard
  • If possible, shave less.
  • Moisturise your skin after shaving.
  • If you have chronic hair problems, avoid shaving altogether good to go.

How To Prevent Ingrown Hair Cysts?

  • To properly shave, 
  • Use a sharp razor, 
  • Moisturise with a thick lotion,
  • Exfoliate dry skin, 
  • Shave in the direction of hair development, 
  • And avoid shaving on sensitive or inflamed skin.

Risk Factors

Anyone can get ingrown hairs. Risk factors for acquiring ingrown hairs are:

  • Hair removal techniques: Shaving, waxing, and plucking may irritate the skin. Following shaving, the hair that comes back may have a sharper edge, making it easier for it to penetrate the skin.
  • Very dry skin: Dry and dead skin can build up around a hair follicle, trapping the developing hair beneath.
  • Pressure or friction: This can irritate the skin, increasing the likelihood of ingrown hairs.
  • Hair type: Coarse, curly, or thick hair is more prone to curl back beneath the skin when it leaves the hair follicle.


Ingrown hair cysts form when a hair follicle becomes clogged and hair grows into your skin instead of out. You should never have an ingrown hair cyst since it can lead to infection and scars. Cysts may resolve on their own, but if they pain, seem red, or exude pus, see a doctor for treatment.

To prevent the risk of having ingrown hair cysts, keep your skin clean, softly exfoliated, and moisturised. You may wish to shave less frequently. If you shave, don’t go too close and always shave in the direction of hair development.

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