How To Treat Dry Acne-Prone Skin In The Winter?

How To Treat Dry Acne-Prone Skin In The Winter

Dermatologist |

Everyone has faced acne in their lives. It is a common skin condition. It is a common skin condition identified by the formation of pimples on the face, neck, back, chest and shoulders. It is caused because of clogged pores from dead skin cells and excess oil, and hormonal fluctuations. It can also happen due to genetic weakness. It includes a variety of kinds – whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, nodules  and cysts.

In winter, acne can become worse for the weather dryness, less Sun exposure, and also for less oil production. Also, the acne can present as pus-filled spots or cysts, Which can cause even bigger problems. There are also many reasons why acne becomes worse in the winter. 

Continue reading to learn how to treat dry acne-prone skin in the winter and how you can prevent acne. All this is suggested by our dermatologist (Sarah Jane).

Who Is More Susceptible To Winter Acne?

While many people find that their acne worsens in the winter, two groups are more likely to suffer from outbreaks during this time of year.

People who already have acne: Your skin is particularly susceptible to the drying effects of winter if you already deal with acne on a year-round basis. Your skin’s normal oil production might be affected by the decrease in humidity and rise in dryness, which can cause blocked pores and breakouts.

People with naturally dry skin: If a person has naturally dry skin, they may see breakouts in the winter even if they don’t usually have acne. The dryness of winter can further erode their skin’s protective layer, leaving it more prone to irritation and perhaps even outbreaks.

Note: However, it is important to realize that anyone might have winter acne. Even persons with oily skin may see an increase in breakouts as their skin tries to compensate for dryness by creating excess oil.

What Causes Acne During The Winter?

Millions of pores in our skin contain oil glands and hair follicles. If these pores become clogged with oil or anything else, acne can occur. Sometimes this acne takes on a very painful form, causing a lot of pain.

In the winter duo of cold temperatures and dry air, it empties our skin’s natural moisture. Then this weakens the skin barrier, which acts as your first line of defense against irritation and inflammation. This is the first step through which your skin starts to develop acne because your skin’s defense barrier is weakened.

Dr. Sarah Jane says” It’s hard to keep your skin hydrated in the winter. Also, the indoor heating system mixes with the dry air which cannot retain the moisture of the skin, therefore acne is more common in winter. Also bathing with hot water in winter dries up the skin, which causes acne. 

Also, Sebum production increases in dry skin to prevent further moisture loss. Because the extra sebum can block your pores and hair follicles, this raises the chance of spots and acne developing. Due to the absence of moisture, bacteria can more quickly infect any places on dry skin, and retained sebum can lead to the development of cysts and irritation of the skin. 

As a result, dry skin provides a less effective barrier against infection. All Acne is caused in winter and it can become worse. 

How To Avoid Getting Acne In The Winter

If you want to treat dry acne-prone skin in the winter and avoid them, read the articles below to know everything about winter acne and how to prevent it.

Don’t let the skin dry

Moisturize your skin every day. This is very important. Apply a mild, oil-free moisturizer that will not clog pores. Look for compounds that draw moisture, such as hyaluronic acid or glycerin. Use to keep in moisture after washing your face. I already mentioned that in the winter, avoid using too much hot water. You can use extremely lukewarm water.

You can use a humidifier

Indoor heating in the winter can reduce the humidity levels in your home, which can further dry out your skin. As a result, the possibility of acne increases. Using a humidifier will help keep the air in your room moist, which will keep your skin from getting too dry.

Clear Wisely

Avoid harsh soaps. Harsh cleansers damage your skin’s barrier and make dryness worse. Choose a gentle cleanser that removes dirt and oil without irritation. Wash your face twice a day, but avoid over washing. 

Exfoliate regularly but don’t over-exfoliate

Gently exfoliate regularly. Exfoliating helps clear clogged pores by removing dead skin cells. Use a chemical exfoliant with salicylic acid or AHAs (alpha-hydroxy acids) once or twice weekly. Because hard scrubs might irritate your skin, use gentleness instead. After exfoliating, moisturize immediately.

You can also Protect Your Skin in winter

Shield your face in the winter. The cold wind irritates your skin. When outdoors, wear a scarf or face mask to protect your face from the elements. Also, dry indoor air causes cold issues. As I mentioned before, use a humidifier.

Bonus Tip: If you have severe acne, see a dermatologist for specific advice and treatment options.

You can also Protect Your Skin in winter

Shield your face in the winter. The cold wind irritates your skin. When outdoors, wear a scarf or face mask to protect your face from the elements. Also, dry indoor air causes cold issues. As I mentioned before, use a humidifier.

Bonus Tip: If you have severe acne, see a dermatologist for specific advice and treatment options.

How To Deal With Acne In Winter

If you have acne in winter, you can follow all the tips below. This will help you deal with acne.

  1. Wash your face gently twice a day with a mild cleanser to remove dirt and oil.
  2. Use acne-fighting products like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, but don’t overdo it to avoid dryness.
  3. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and use a humidifier to combat dry indoor air.
  4. Protect your skin from cold weather with scarves and hats, and always apply sunscreen.
  5. Take lukewarm showers instead of hot ones to avoid drying out your skin.
  6. Moisturize regularly with a non-comedogenic moisturizer to prevent dryness.
  7. Limit heavy makeup use and always remove it before bed.
  8. Practice methods for reducing stress like yoga or meditation.
  9. If you’re still struggling, consult a dermatologist for personalized treatment options.


During the winter, use non-comedogenic moisturizers, acne-fighting chemicals (such as salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide) and gentle washing to treat dry, acne-prone skin. Use a humidifier, stay hydrated, and shield your skin from the elements. Steer clear of hot showers, heavy makeup, and stress management to retain a healthy complexion and manage dry, acne-prone skin in the winter. Seeking advice from a dermatologist when necessary might offer further assistance and direction.


Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions related to beauty, you can hit the comment box! We will do our best to assist you through our experts. We’re here to help you.

There are a couple reasons why your acne might get worse in the winter.

  • Increased Moisture in the Air
  • Dryness
  • Weakened Skin Barrier
  • Sun Exposure

Yes you can use salicylic acid in winter for acne-prone skin.

Neither summer or winter are necessarily better for acne, in fact both seasons can present challenges for acne-prone skin.

Not only can you use niacinamide in winter, it’s actually a great choice for your skin during this season!

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